MIT World: FREE online video

September 11, 2008

Being an (ex) student. Yes, I graduated recently, I’m looking for new information/knowledge everywhere. And since I’m a big fan of the Internet, I like to watch inspiring video’s online, e.g. TED

At the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) it’s possible to view some online lectures, but only if you’re a student at this university. Luckily, for them who are not, there is something like MIT open world which “is a free and open site that provides on-demand video of significant public events at MIT“. And easily downloaded using I-tunes, just follow this link.

Since I’m reading the book ‘The world is Flat’ by Thomas Friedman, I especially enjoyed his lecture there.

Hopefully the TU/e will soon provide a similar service, (let me know if there already is one). Hopefully in the future, the video lectures will be freely accessible to people like me. Because I would love to enjoy them after my student account gets blocked.

IDEAs: Inspiring Design Excellence and Achievements

August 19, 2008

I found this through the nhs-procure21 blog.

It is called IDEAs and it’s a website/idea generator which should assist designers and consultants throughout the design process, when generating design briefs, proposals and schemes. It focuses on health care, and shows concepts and examples of nine different design values; which are: arriving, bath, beds, circulating, consulting, shopping, sanctuary, social and waiting.

According to the site, there is evidence that the right design will not only increase the satisfaction levels of the users, but will also improve the patients’ health outcomes and staff productivity.

Since my thesis project covered the aspect of user’s in buildings, and user engagement throughout the design process, I’m very much interested in this new design tool, and I think this is only the beginning. It should be considered an opportunity to learn from other projects/design solutions or concepts! We’ll probably see other building functions soon: schools, offices, universities….etc. etc.

I’m excited to see where this is going!

IDEAs: Inspiring Design Excellence and Achievements


August 18, 2008

This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Update: RSS feed PSI-Bouw

August 14, 2008

Do you know dapper? This web-app allows you to use Internet content and convert this into an rss feed, XML or Widget.

Since not all construction news sites feature the option of a RSS-feed I used dapper to convert the news items of the PSI-Bouw website (Dutch-site) into a RSS-feed. This allows me to get updates from their site, and read them (offilne) using a rss-reader.

Since dapper is public, click here to use this as well.

UPDATE: it’s now a feedburner feed. Where recycling meets design

August 14, 2008 is an online community of designers, architects and everybody else who is interested in inventive ways of recycling. And was initiated by 2012 architects and Suite75. It shows some great and creative examples of products/concepts/buildings/art etc. etc. created with recycled materials. I especially like the notebook sleeves!

I ran into this site reading the ‘sustainable build’ (duurzaam gebouwd) blog. Another great example of sustainable initiatives in the construction industry.

Now also available in English

July 29, 2008

Since the department of Architecture Building and Planning of the Eindhoven University of Technology has decided to teach all ‘bouwkunde’ (link) courses and projects in English, I think it’s time to write in English as well. Although the construction industry is not considered to be an international industry, I will try to write as many posts in English!!

Enjoy reading!

Onderzoek beter bouwen!

October 1, 2007

Een onderzoek naar de innovativiteit van de bouw-sector in Nederland, dat uitgevoerd wordt door het Dutch Research Institure for Transitions. Zie voor het gehele bericht op de site van (link) en het onderzoek

Ik ben benieuwd naar de resultaten, en naar de hoeveelheid respondenten!

hoe het NIET moet

September 19, 2007

Een top 20 van hoe het niet moet!! hier

BIG ideas

September 13, 2007

Lees deze post over Big Ideas geschreven door Seth Godin.

Een van de misvattingen en mythes is dat ideeën zeer waardevol zijn. Echter als er met deze ideeën niet gedaan wordt, omdat er geen geld/mankracht/kennis etc. etc. is, blijven het ideeën die verder niets waard zijn en in de la blijven liggen. Waarom zou je deze ideeën niet delen met anderen en ook de uitvoering (en het harde werk dat hierbij komt kijken) aan anderen overlaten?

Ik vraag me af hoeveel ideetjes er ergens in laatjes of hoofden van professionals in de bouwindustrie zitten/liggen? Laat deze ideetjes de vrije loop, publiceer ze, laat anderen ze gebruiken, en laat ze bijdragen aan verandering.

Interessante Conferentie

September 4, 2007

De Technische Universiteit Delft organiseert van 24-26 oktober een international conferentie op het gebied van Construction Project Management. De volgende (voorlopige onderwerpen) zullen aanbod komen:

  • Global Construction
  • Sustainability in Construction
  • Education
  • Information, communication and knowledge technology
  • Trend in construction technology
  • Organisation for construction
  • Infrastructure renewal

Ik denk dat deze conferentie (zeker voor studenten) een uitgelezen kans is om kennis te nemen van ontwikkelingen in de industrie. Overigens zijn de kosten voor studenten sterk gereduceerd (slechts 30 euro). Ik ga in ieder geval zeker!